"A very manageable fitness resolution that most people can stick to is
holding a plank every morning, first thing out of bed. If you can spend
one minute brushing your teeth, you can definitely find one minute to
hold a plank. Planks are truly one of the best exercises I know of: They
work your core and your entire body. Start with 30 seconds and build up
to one minute. By doing this first thing in the a.m., you remind
yourself to stay active all day." "Shift [your] mindset from the very common 'all or nothing' mentality.
For many people, the start of the new year entails going from zero to
60, so to speak, almost overnight ... If you are currently not
exercising or are exercising very sporadically, it's not very realistic
to expect that you'll overnight commit to exercising for one or two
hours per day, six days per week. Often when individuals establish these
'all or nothing' [goals], if they are not able to stick with the
unrealistic expectations, they end up doing nothing at all."
"Setting a performance goal may help you stay more motivated compared to
a weight-loss goal. For example, a goal of 10 pull-ups, or touching
your toes, can create a healthy shift from focusing purely on aesthetics
to performance. Keep in mind that in order for your body to move
fluidly and efficiently, your joints need sufficient range of motion,
which is why flexibility is so important. As the body performs better,
the aesthetics typically follow. Think of a performance goal that really
motivates you, and a goal that you can enjoy the process as you strive
for it." "Set a SMART goal -- specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and
timely. For instance, 'I would like to take three CrossFit classes a
week for 60 days.' If at the end of that 60 days, you achieved your
goal, reward yourself with something worthwhile, such as a vacation or
massage. Just as you set your resolution in the beginning of the year,
also plan your reward. That way, when you're on week five and you want
to throw in the towel, you can remember that sweet reward that is
"Working out with a friend allows for a little friendly competition and
increased accountability. Choose goals together and get to work! It's
always a little easier when you know someone is rooting for up and
waiting for you at the gym." "Move how it feels good for you to move every day. Don't stress about it
being an hour workout, but keep consistent. Five to 10 minutes of
morning practice can set you up for feeling great so you make great
choices all day long that [help you] continue cultivating a radiant
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